This is only really a small glimpse at what the Uni looks like, and mostly centered around the Media building where I'm at.
Still a lot of construction going on, as you can see.
But check out this view!
Part of the main building
Same again. I didn't really get a decent picture of the exterior 'cause I didn't think I could properly document how large it was. You'll just have to wait on that.
And the interior, this is what I mean by office building:
These scanner doors are freakin' everywhere
Corridor leading to the animation studio
And as for the studio itself, I tried making a panorama on my camera, but it turned out kind of crap.
There's that freaky futuretech touchscreen whiteboard powerpoint dealie!
Our computomaters
The Orange is a bit of a mood-lifter from the rest of the prison/office building atmosphere.
If anyone can front an underground desk-graffiti society, its you, Toni! Make me proud!
Holy monitors, Batman! That studio is huge! And so open! The life drawings on the wall seem out of place, though. Like, how parents put drawings on the fridge? Or maybe they're covering up paint spots or something. And it does look very office-y. Do you like that?
I really like the first photo of the stone and glass building, I like that style. It looks like a studio! I'm expecting there to be water coolers hanging out every once in a while.
It DOES remind me of SFU!
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